¡AGITPOP! Press is an artist book collaboration between artist Johannah Herr and writer Cara Marsh Sheffler. Since 2020, the two have collaborated on four book projects: Domestic Terrorism, The Banana Republican Recipe Book, I Have Seen the Future: Official Guide, and White Flight! Each book subverts the form of the propaganda it investigates, whether a catalog from the American retail chain Sears, a recipe book, a World’s Fair Guide, or an advertising booklet. Collectively, this body of work focuses on how the US government colluded with corporate America to blur the lines between military, political, and cultural conquest in the creation of the so-called American Century. Our publications aim to reveal how US history has been advertised to the world, and to portray American decline as what it unavoidably is: a consumer experience.

¡AGITPOP! publications are for sale at bookstores and galleries including Printed Matter, Perrotin, After 8, The Hole, Mast, Skylight, and Karma. These titles have been acquired by the University of Miami and the Clark Art Institute, among other libraries and collections. ¡AGITPOP!'s work has been featured by art fairs including NADA, Frieze, EXPO CHICAGO, the LA Art Book Fair, the New York Art Book Fair, Material, and SPRING/BREAK. I Have Seen the Future: Official Guide, received a positive review in The New York Times. Most recently, their riff on a midcentury suburban circular, White Flight!, was published by CUNY and featured for four months at BMCC’s Shirley Fiterman Art Center. In June, Herr and Sheffler presented at the inaugural bell hooks center Symposium at Berea College and at the Paris Ass Bookfair at the Palais de Tokyo. Two of their books were selected for inclusion at the archive in the Bibliothèque Kandinsky at the Centre Pompidou. They will be returning to the book fair to debut their fifth title in May, 2025 and to make a presentation of their entire body of work at the Palais de Tokyo.

¡AGITPOP! titles are distributed by Antenne.

¡AGITPOP! Titles

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